Tuesday 11 July 2023

Setting Healthy Boundaries by Mabi Azefor Fominyen

Lately, I have been reflecting on how to set healthy boundaries in life . How would you know when it is time to set boundaries? Take a look at this article here. Here is another helpful piece I came across with regards to setting boundaries. My reflections and the search for more information on this subject further led me to this article here. I found it quite interesting and useful so I thought of sharing it. When it comes to setting boundaries , I have learnt that one can never really please everyone and that it is alright to say NO at times. Take a look at these hints, they might inspire you, if you are looking for ways of setting boundaries. If you are wondering how to better enforce your boundaries once you set them, then take a look at these tips here.How about this one right here! A beautiful reminder that setting boundaries means, caring for one's self! After reading extensively about this topic, it might be safe to say that defining personal boundaries , actually requires a good understanding of what boundaries are . Boundaries might include ; personal, sexual, emotional, generosity,pyhsical, friendship and relationships in general. Take a quick look at this . Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences and best practices about setting boundaries . Let us continue the conversation here on this blog #Mabi's World! Thank you so much in advance! BOUNDARIES ARE NECESSARY! THEY ARE HEALTHY! I also came across this video about setting boundaries and I thought it was worth sharing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6CJtIk457g