Sunday, 21 August 2016

Getting your children set for a new school year!

 By Mabi Azefor Fominyen

It is that time of the year when parents, teachers, education managers and  school officials are looking ahead to the start of another school year.  With the start of the 2016/2017 academic year  just a few hours away, a lot comes to mind.Image result for free images of school

  • How will the children feel on day one of back- to -school especially after spending a long holiday?
  • A new class, a new environment, new rules; how will things play out ?
  • How will he/she fair in school this year? 
  • How will he/she interact with the rest of the children or students and teachers in school?
  • How will my child's teacher be able to quickly understand and get along well with him/her and vice versa?
  • How well prepared is the school management and staff, for the new school year?
  • What are some of the activities that will be carried out this year?
  • What will be the role of the parent towards ensuring his/her child's success?

 The questions could be as many and as varied as the situation may be.

 However, the questions and  issues raised above often constitute some of the major concerns  some parents have, as they look forward to sending their children to start a new school yearImage result for free images of school.

Perhaps even more important to mention is the fact that the start of every academic year also comes with a huge financial burden on the shoulders of  parents and caregivers.
Some parents and caregivers are  more concerned about  raising money for school fees, money to buy books, money to buy school uniforms , transport allocation among other needs.This has hardly ever been an easy ride for parents and caregivers.

Perhaps planning and saving some  money early enough, would reduce the last minute stress often associated with  the back -to school moment.

Non- the- less, for tips and guidance on how to tackle some of the other issues and questions  as mentioned in this post please click and follow this link-thread to read further on how best to get children start off a new school year.

As basic as some of the things might seem, if well followed  and  better handled, they would help enormously in getting children kick start the new academic year on a rather confident and more successful note thus making it easier to sail through the year, coupled with hard work and  determination.

Good luck to All and Sundry!

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Another Feather on my cap!

By Mabi Azefor Fominyen

Oh My Gosh!
It has been a while since I last posted an article on this blog. I am even tempted to think that I might have forgotten the basics when it comes to blogging ! Let's see how this goes once more.

When 2014 drew closer to its end, I was so taken by my school work . I had to put in so much time and energy in to completing my research work and submitting my dissertation on time, in order to complete my Masters course and thus graduate on time.
Gladly, I did!

This however meant I had to either forgo or completely put aside many other things, including blogging ( oh yes I did). I was obliged to put in all the much needed time, energy and effort to be able to finish as expected.

I  then went on to attend the Viva Voce, where I had a  chance to present and defend my research. Thank God, it went  really well. With lots of positive feedback from the Jury members and comments on how schools could benefit from such a study thus improving their marketing strategies and ensuring survival. I could finally heave a huge sigh or relief. School was somehow over! With such enthusiasm , I so looked forward to graduation day. It was thus time to get things set for my Big Day!
Decor for graduation party at home

 Helas! It all came together on October 31, 2015 when I stood there at the ceremonial ground at Nkumba University-Uganda. It was  graduation day. A feeling of achievement filled my mind. I followed the ceremony keenly and when my name was read out, I whispered to myself ' Thank you Lord, it is done, another feather on my cap'.

As I walked across the ceremonial ground I couldn't help but quietly say to myself, 'So this is it!'
I could feel a sense of pride running through my spine, I thought of the love and support I had received through out from my husband, my kids, family members and friends . I flashed back to the many hours spent listening to lectures over the past two years, sharing knowledge with my classmates, time spent doing assignments, course work, exams and above all working on my dissertation. I felt grateful for the lessons learnt  as well as the guidance and support from my lecturers and my supervisor.

There was every reason to celebrate. I had finished in style. I had  earned good grades and completed the course in record time.
Once back home, it was time to party.
Family members and friends were attendance.
Family and friends on graduation day

A cross-section of guests at the party
I had so looked forward to this day that I felt like crying when everything came together. Friends and family members  expressed really kind words on my behalf.
George F. and Mr  Yankuba
Word from Classmate- Mr. Charles Mwaka

Word from Cameroonian community courtesy of Mrs. Christine Besong

It was a day to remember indeed. I remain grateful to God, my entire family, beloved ones, friends and neighbours for their love, support and kindness.

I had promised myself , I wanted a Masters Degree. For reasons beyond my control, and prior to this, I wasn't able to find the exact time nor the funds to enroll for one. How much more happier could I have been on that Day! The joy was enough to wipe away the stressful moments leading to the final lap of the journey.Thanks darling for everything!
Dance moves with hubby.

Word from Mrs. Catherine Fominyen-on behalf of the family