As the year 2024 wraps up, it just might be a good idea to do some personal reflections to have a clear picture of the entire year and in order to carve out a better road map for yourself in 2025.
Here are a few things and questions which have been on my mind and I thought these might be helpful to someone else.
.What has been your biggest achievement or accomplishments in 2024?
. What worked?
. What has been your greatest strength?
. What has been your biggest set back, weakness or challenge in 2024?
. What didn't work in 2024?
. Have you experienced any form of growth in 2024?
. What are you most proud of in 2024?
. What has been your purpose?
. What surprised you most in 2024?
. What did you spend too much time or energy on ?
. What did you appreciate the most ?
.What did you take for granted?
. Did I improve anyone's life this year?
. How did you feel? Valued? Appreciated?
. What three words best sum up the year 2024 for you?
. What can you do differently next year?
You know it is easy to feel excited about a fresh start to a new year! My view is that, as one thinks of what the future potentially holds it is important to reflect upon both the good and the bad, the opportunities and the lessons from the past year. Taking time to do this can help one learn and do their utmost in the future.